Andrew Murray: A Life in Service to Christ

Andrew Murray was a Scottish Presbyterian minister, writer, and teacher who lived in the 19th century. Though born into a family of devout Presbyterians, Murray didn't give his life to Christ until he was 18 years old. From that point forward, however, he devoted himself entirely to Christ's service. For the rest of his life, Murray would preach and write about the importance of a life lived for God. He also helped found numerous schools and missions to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Here, then, is a brief overview of the life of one of twentieth-century Christianity's most influential figures.

Early Life and Conversion

Andrew Murray was born in Scotland on May 9, 1828. His father, John Murray, was a respected Presbyterian minister, and his mother was also a woman of deep faith. Growing up, Murray absorbed many of his parents' spiritual principles and developed a love for reading and learning. When he was 18 years old, however, he experienced a life-changing conversion while attending college in Glasgow. From that moment, he committed himself to living for Christ alone.

After being ordained in 1848, he became the minister at Brebner Church in Bloemfontein, Scotland. He would serve there for four years before moving back to Cape Town to plant another church. During this time, Murray began writing some of his most famous books, including "Abide in Christ" and "The Key to the Missionary Problem."

After returning to Scotland to care for his ill father, Murray once again returned to South Africa in 1862. This time around, he stayed for good; over the next several decades, he would help establish numerous schools and missions throughout southern Africa. In doing so, he hoped to spread the Gospel message far and wide.

South Africa today

Later Years and Legacy

Andrew Murray continued serving Christ faithfully until his dying days. He passed away on January 18, 1917, at 88. In the years since his death, Murray's writings have continued to inspire Christians all over the world. His commitment to living life for God alone is an example that all believers can follow. Recent generations have even given him the nickname "The Prayer Warrior," thanks to his powerful teaching on prayer and its importance in the Christian life.

Andrew Murray was one Scottish Presbyterian minister who devoted his entire life to serving Jesus. Over a century later, the power of his works echoes through generations and continues to point others toward a fruitful relationship with Jesus Christ.

Burten Classics is proud to reissue Andrew Murray's works.


Andrew Murray Portrait: Wikipedia Commons

Photo by Tobias Reich on Unsplash


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Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray